Sunday, March 09, 2003

DAB Delay
Well the TotD below then got me into scientific analysis mode, as there is a noticeable difference between the reception times of FM Broadcast and DAB.

Station : BBC Radio2

Equipment Used
FM reception 1 : Roberts R9906 RDS
FM Reception 2 : Hauppauge FM Primio TV Card
DAB reception 1 : PURE Evoke -1
DAB reception 2 : Modular Technology PCI Card

Roberts R9906 vs Hauppauge FM Primio Card
There was no perceivable time delays between the two FM Receivers. Steve Wright "Sunday Morning Love Songs" could be clearly heard without even the slightest reverb effect during simultaneous reception.

Roberts R9906 vs Modular Technology PCI Card
Here a clear delay could heard measured at approximately 2.75 seconds.

Roberts R9906 vs PURE Evoke -1
Delay of approx 1 second was measured.

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