I feel I should explain the "Caine-esque Words of Wisdom". A trend has been established in my workplace of impersonating Michael Caine circa "Alfie"/"Get Carter".
It all started when a learned and wise colleague was relating a particular relationship with a young lady and all of a sudden the phrase "I don't like a bird when she gets too clingy!" seemed appropriate.
Since then, the opportunities for the spirit of Sir Micklewhite to posses us has been often and frequent. Although in all honesty, it probably bears more resemblance to Paul Whitehouse's impression of "Michael Paine".
So there is a formula for such statements which goes something like...
"I don't mind a, but I don't like , Oh !"
"I don't mind a
e.g. "I don't mind a playful female image in my desk calendars.... but I don't do smut! Oh Yes!"
Tea break over. Next....
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