Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Don't fret. I haven't forgotten how to blog. Update since 24-AUG.
Boston, Upgrade, Lobster, Rush (Wembley), Rush (Birmingham), Cotwolds, Manchester, Thame, Credit Card Thefts, Paris > UK > Paris > UK, Chakra, Creative Labs Zen.
I know I need to update the "Currently Reading", I know I need to update "Currently Listening". I know I need to update Bemuddlement. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Friday, July 02, 2004
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Today is my 39th birthday. I enter my 40th year with a new vision and a clarity I've rarely experienced. I can honestly say that I have never felt as good as I do today, 10th June 2004. The main reason is this.. after 15 years, of which a large latter proportion were spent unhappily, I find myself single again (the first birthday I've had single since 1989) and I'm enjoying the liberation. That in itself is no reason, but I have had the support of my friends and family throughout this period. They saw me through the shock, the confusion, the anger, the regret and now they are all cheering for me from the touchline as brush myself down and head off to seek my dreams. Today I've received countless messages, e-mails, txt's and well wishes. This is a first for me and largely due to the fact that after one particularly life changing event, that ended 16 months ago, I realised I had to change.
This last year I've learnt
1. Always find time to see your friends and family... no more excuses
2. Seize the opportunity to travel, its a small world, full of interesting people
3. Order something different off the menu, you may like it
4. Big risks are worth taking, if the goal demands
5. Life is too short to eat bad steak, drink bad red wine (or bad champagne) and to accept compromise.
6. The only thing you can shape is the future
7. Be patient, there is nothing to say things have to occur at your pace.
8. If you can afford it, buy the best, quality beats quantity everytime
9. Laugh Loud, Laugh Hard
10. Play music loud, dance to it, don't care if you look an idiot
11. Try a different radio station, with different music at least once a week
12. Go to that gallery you've always promised to visit
13. Don't be afraid of the Number 13
14. Read.
15. Write
16. and lastly... In hell there will be accordion music... and celery, and Chris de Burgh, and Sarah Kennedy.
Thank you my friends. You know who you are.
Monday, June 07, 2004
Friday, June 04, 2004
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Monday, May 24, 2004
Friday, May 21, 2004
Thursday, May 20, 2004
The "Jewel" in West Sussex's crown that is known as Crawley is not known for it's cultural highlights, however, one is pleased to announce that some high moments of performance art could be spotted in the town center this lunchtime. Firstly there was the OAP singing to the keyboard backing track of "Evergreen", who at one point almost sounded like Barbara Streisand (not bad for a 70+ yo male) and Secondly, an odd gentleman in shorts playing an authentic digeridoo (a hollowed out tree branch, not one of those reconstituted tubes you see in the shopping malls)... a lovely sound, but you can' knock much of tune out of it. Cyclic breathing was employed... by the dogery-doo player ... not the 70+ Barbara Striesand Impersonator... | ![]() |
Barabara Streisand, uncannily impersonated by a Crawley Senior Citizen... today |
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
a) Saw grime graffiti on window "Window".
b) Got incredibly frustrated with the A-holes at main site. Don't they understand I need to get my e-mail... like now"!!!!
c) 2.5 hours to get to reading
d) Did lots of self talking
e) Thought I'd lost specs (left them at home)
f) Nice weather
g) Two very pointless meetings at main site.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Rightly, or wrongly, I followed a link to a website that contained the uncensored video of the murder by al-Qaeda of American hostage Nick Berg. I am constantly amazed at the brutality that we as humans can inflict upon each other. There are no words I can use to adequately describe the sheer revoltion, anger, sadness and contempt I subsequently felt. The termination of any life is senseless, but when that action is detached from the individual upon who it is inflicted, it is particularly sickening.
As a Human Race...Today, we seem more lost than ever
To Nick Berg's family and friends, you are in my thoughts
Friday, May 07, 2004
Moved desks today. Must have been there 5 years+. Given the events of the past few weeks it was kinda strange discovering all the old bits n pieces I kept and how my life had changed whilst sitting at that desk. Little drawings, photo's, gifts etc.
Life is changing fast, that's for sure.
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Ironing Apart from the odd shirt when away on biz (I still say that hanging the shirt in the bathroom, running the hot shower with the doors closed gets the creases out faster). I have successfully managed to avoid ironing for the first 38 years and 11 months of my life... until now. Now I have two questions a) Public opinion is that ironing is the work of the devil, so obviously this new found joy wears off. How long before I too will be cursing Satan? b) Where does the ironing board plug in? I've looked everywhere.
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The Tefal Avantis 95, newly purchased, along with the "Blue Skies" ironing Board Cover... yesterday |
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Saturday, May 01, 2004
1. E-mail to home address from best mate who was in work at 6pm (he doesn't have home e-mail).
2. Free Alka-Seltzer, paracetamol, croissant (chocolate) from friends who let me crash last night.
3. Woman who sol me hot dog, told me to be careful as it was piping hot.
4. A baby in M&S smiled and pointed at me whilst trying to decide which meal to buy from thier Italian cabinet.
5. Chelsea won 4-0 (probably didn't do that for me but made me feel good).
Friday, April 30, 2004
Due to certain events in my life over the past few week, the Blog may take a slightly more serious look at life for a while. The Blog initially was very much "heart on sleeve" stuff and that was wrong, so I purposely changed it to the collection of trivia it is now (vending machine accidents, grime graffiti, Kit Kat slogans, motorway stories). This was to give the impression of "moving on". This Blog won't be full of self pity, don't worry about that, but the observations and stories maybe a little darker. For instance today's life in the slow lane would read....
"Saw young woman wiping her eyes behind the wheel of a Black Ford Ka. About 25, blond, hair tied back, smart suit, little bit overweight (but not too much), pretty face. I saw her wipe her eyes with a tissue and as I drove past, I saw her biting her lip and fighting back the tears. My heart reached out to her. I tried to catch her gaze so I could just give her a smile, let her know that a stranger had noticed her pain and wanted to make her day a little better. She kept looking straight ahead, fighting the tears, we were stuck in traffic side by side for about 2 miles, eventually losing sight of her car at Clackett Lane. Sighted upper tributaries of the M26 and the clockwise Kent/Surry M25. Time delay: Few tracks of morning Radio 2"
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
To all my friends and family I would like to say "thank you" for the last few days. You've been incredible. Above and beyond.
Thank You, in no particular order
Dave and Nadia
Anton and Gillian
Bob and Maxine
Pat and Peter
Barry and Sue
and most of all my Mum.
Friday, April 16, 2004
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Thursday, April 01, 2004
a) GDN Departures is even worse now. The months of renovations weren't to put more desperately needed seats in, but to put in more shops selling undesired French produce at inflated prices b) In Paris, "Upper Crust" has become "Paul's" c) Now the owner of a rather superb set of Taylor Made RAC OS (L/H)... the old Wilson "Blue Ridges" looked a little tired when traded in. d) Whilst walking around the National portrait Gallery on Friday I had this uneasy felling I was in a Monty Python cartoon expecting certain characters like Henry VII (pictured) to walk off on his fingers. e) ?7 really is really too much to see the Cecil Beaton exhibition at the NPG. f) I really hate the West End of London now. Full of souvenir shops and "tat". Even Tower Records, once described by me as "Heaven on Earth" is a dive now. g) I don't think the White Bird spotted on the nearby marsh was a Snow Goose after all. h) Fantastic bit of road rage witnessed on the on-slip to M20 this morning. Silver Passat and Red thing, side by side, windows down, giving verbal. Class. Oblivious to the mini jam created behind them. Silver Passat had personalised plates... it figured. | |
Pythonesque Experience in the National Portrait Gallery... not yesterday |
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Monday, March 22, 2004
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Monday, March 08, 2004
Well it had to happen. Romy finally busted her first string yesterday, which after nearly two years is not bad. How fitting that it (the 5th string, A) should be busted whilst emulating "La Villa Strangiato" just at the moment where a "A Lerxt in Wonderland" exits into "Monsters". | ![]() |
King Lerxt, inspiring the string busting of Romy... yesterday |
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Small MG convertible stacked into the barriers of the London bound slip at J6 M20. Juggernaut jack-knifed closing roundabout above M20 J5. 3 Idiot lorry drivers causing a 60mph moving chicane on the Westbound M26. M25 J8 closed. "It's a jungle out there". Had unerring desire to wring John Prescott's neck, with respect to the decaying status of the UK motorway network system. Time Delay: 1.4 plays of Auf der Maur's new album. | |
The Lovely MaDM, providing drivetime distraction today |
Monday, March 01, 2004
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Friday, February 20, 2004
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Monday, February 16, 2004
Friday, February 13, 2004
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
As one gets older, one appreciates the finer things in life. A decent red wine, fine works of art, the odd piece of classical music. Today I was truly astounded by the rhythm guitar work of Malcolm Young on AC/DC's "High Voltage". | ![]() |
"He's dirty, he's mean, he's mighty unclean..." Much underated rythym guitar meister, Malcolm Young, providing journey time entertainment today. |
Monday, February 09, 2004
I'm not often driven to the need to censor observations of grime graffitti written on the back of trucks, however I I'll leave you to fill in the gaps of this gem on the back of a medium sized truck crawling along the Kent/Surrey stretches of the M25 this morning. On the Passenger side was inscribed "W*nk*r 1" and on the drivers side "W*nk*r 2".
One echoes the sentiments of the house.
Friday, February 06, 2004
Thursday, February 05, 2004
I work at #XXXXX#, and would like to offer you to redesign your complete web site absolutely free of charge. You will only be asked to pay for the monthly hosting, which is only $9.95/mo. There are no other fees, and there is absolutely no risk from your end. If you are not satisfied with our work, you will not be asked to pay anything. Please let me know if you would be interested in this offer (in fact, I can't imagine why you wouldn't be). Take a look at http#XXXXXXX# for details. When signing-up, please indicate Xxxx Xxxxxx (that's my name :-) ) in the "How did you hear about this offer?" field.
Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you!
With Best regards,
Xxxx Xxxxxxx
XXXX.com Web Hosting & Design
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
"FILTHY" it said on the back of a golden coloured Vauxhall thing. Car had a URL written on the tailgate. How ironic.
Monday, February 02, 2004
Friday, January 30, 2004
One mile tailback on M23 at J10 both directions, due barrier repairs on Crawley Avenue. After 30 mins of queing and fuming and thinking West Sussex County Council Highways Department really did have "sh*t for brains", was humbled by the vision of the said barrier contorted out of shape and overhanging into the 2nd lane of the carriageway.
Time Delay: 5 plays of Sheryl Crow - "It Don't Hurt" | ![]() |
Sheryl Crow (far too talented for her own good) providing the journey time delay measuring technique today |
Thursday, January 29, 2004
I try not to buy Nestle products. Click here to see why, but when the urge for a Kit-Kat hits (35p, correct change given) , there is no stopping it. However, during my approximate 5 year self imposed ban I have discovered that Kit-Kats are no longer foil wrapped (plastic vacuum pack) and they have "One for Me" and/or "One for You" embossed on the chocolate.
I ate the lot in the time it took to Blog this.
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Friday, January 23, 2004
An uninspiring "Morning Drive" as I drove in. Another day where I had to Roll the Bones and earn some Big Money. "Entre Nous" I'd rather be following my Freewill and being doing something Closer To The Heart. The Mystic Rhythms persist but this inner Analogue Kid is trying to be a New World Man and Resist the urge to be a Digital Man. But for this Working Man, the Limelight has to wait. Circumstances prevail and it's a Marathon ordeal. In The End, I'm just Finding My Way and end up being Nobodies Hero. I'm Here Again, I'm really not In The Mood, but you don't get Something For Nothing; oh for Time to Stand Still. No Red Barchettas were spotted. It wasn't 21:12. My Battlescars are showing. Is "Rush In Rio" possibly the finest live album since "Strangers in the Night"? | |
Mean, Mean Stride. |
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Bit of rain and it turns to carnage. Special mentions to the small white hatchback dumped into the ditch by the side of the M25 Kent/Surrey section this morning (looked like the culprit was yet another member of the European haulage industry) and the sole Blue Mondeo with a disintegrated rear bumper, M25/M23 intersection this morning. The large piece of juggernaut debris on the off-slip at the M25 J7 probably explains this fibre-glass shattering incident. Time Delay: 3 Plays or Tori Amos "Baker Baker" | |
The simply devine Tori Amos, providing this mornings travel delay timing |
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Once upon a time I used to have a teaspoon in my works mug. A proper metal one. This I finally lost approximately 3 years ago after it successfully followed me in my career since 1985. Rather than buy a replacement spoon, I have relied on a succession of plastic spoons from the canteen. The longevity of these varies, especially when placed in very hot water. The spoon bends in a variety of distorted directions, making each successive use a new and rewarding experience. My final 'teaspoon' snapped in the cup yesterday, leaving me with the only free alternative from the canteen... a rather splendid plastic desert spoon. Now this may seem odd, bearing in mind I'm using it for coffee, but even odder, is that this is the only type of spoon available to eat a variety of potted products. A yogurt can last as many as 4 spoonfuls.
When I say coffee, it also includes Green Tea with Lemongrass.
Friday, January 16, 2004
Who was #1 clonemeister on the planet describing as...
"an oversexed Transit heater dies on Monday" ?
for the answer click here
"RACH WAS ERE", inscribed not on the side of a grubby Transit Van, but on a the side of White Renault Laguna. Low quality message, but in a unusual location. Rare to see an inscription on the side of a "normal" vehicle, instead of the usual light/heavy haulage vehicles. One assumes "RACH" is a female, which in itself is unusual. Past evidence suggests these "witty" messages are the work of the under-educated, hungover, tabloid reading citizens of the transit industry. For example, one particular truck witnessed over the holiday period had "I SLEEP WITH MY MUM" etched in the dirt. Now, unless the said driver was exhibiting a proud exceptance of his Oedipusic lifestyle, one can only imagine the type of colleague that would scribe such a slogan... just try for 30 seconds to imagine... are you laughing yet?
Thursday, January 15, 2004
Now, you may remember that the washroom originally held two air blowing hand dryers
1) The fast blowing cold air
2) The weak puffing warm air
You may also remeber that Bemuddlement carried out a deep scientific test on the effectiveness of the different types (see December 8 post).
Well Dryer 1 has been removed and replaced with a duplicate version of Dryer 2, just as ineffective. Watch this space.
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Sunday, January 11, 2004
Friday, January 09, 2004
Thursday, January 08, 2004
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Monday, January 05, 2004
Well I'm not going mad, it really was darker this morning (as I made the terrible journey on the UK motorways). For an explanation, click here